Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου 2013


 Let's make a creative, amazing world full of shiny smiles and lovely things!!! I think it worths... Being part of something great I mean! So let's all revile the kids we hide inside us and let them try make this world more beautifull, more peacefull, more suitable for human! 

We are here to fix what's broken. And out there, there are millions of broken hearts. We are here to make more beautiful the world we live. And oute there there are hundrends of cities with no trees, parks and beautiful places at all. We are here to make this world what is ment for. A planet for humans and their needs. And out there, there are millions of places where people suffer or die due to the lack of necessary.

It's time to add some stardust to everything we do! It's time to star gining a piece of our soul in everything we do!!! It's all about  the way we see it. If we see it as a duty to save and fix this world, we will make things more passionate and with a big smile on our faces every day!!!

Δευτέρα 24 Ιουνίου 2013


Albert Einstein

In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma refers to the concept of the law of the relationship between cause and effect specifying that each act is a cause of the past and simultaneously cause of other acts that will follow in the future. 

The law of karma is identified with the law of causality, namely the inevitable relationship of cause and effect, the law of action and reaction, the law of justice and balance, following the application of life event consistently formed depending from that same karma.

According to this doctrine, karma follows man in terrestrial incarnations, the conditions of which it designates. So long as man progresses, the less dependent the bondage of karma, thus making himself conscious creator of the circumstances of his life.
You know now...

You know that what really worth doesn’t fade. You  know that it’s not easy for those who gave so much, for those who try to be there every second of your life even if they live away, even if they have duties, even if they can’t easily afford distance. 

And you? Where have you been so long? You’ve been in the dark, but light came and found you from a door you didn’t knew it was open! And it made you believe it was pure light cause it reviled every of its secrets. You are here! In this “here”! Cause now you know what real love means! You know that you take what you give and sometimes it doesn’t matter who gives the most cause you both know it’s all about your love! And you’re happy! Cause you know you have something that always wanted…  A hug that won’t fade that easy!

You are "here" more than ever! Need a person that you know he needs you too!

What I said lately to a friend who asked me about women generally, “It’s not about men or women… If you know what you want… stop waiting for “whatever comes” and baptizing it “good”! It will come and find you on its own! It will surround you and get you! It will prove it’s worth! Just prove to life that you deserve it!”...

                                                                                                                                                  Am I wrong???

Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2013

Mornning World!!!!

"Life isn't about waiting for the rain to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain"

Who said that? I've no idea... But... He was absolutely right!

It's not only about dance itself. It's about every aspect in our lives. We can't wait for the right circumstances to come in order to start living our lifes. We'd be waiting forever. "Right circumstances" will never come. Instead we have to learn dealing with all the  taugh things in our every day lives. 

We have to be moody and being characterized by the strength of adaptability. It is a strength... Psychical strenght!

Life is a stage! Nothing should stand in our ways! It's just us and our dreams! It's just us and our psychical strength to stand up and fight for our dreams! That's the purpose after all. Look behind and admire our determination to succeed!

Let's all be crazy dreamers and get out there chase our crazy dreams!!!

Well! I got to confess it! I am a maniac! Look at it! Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it great? 

Tattooing has been a Euroasian practice at least since Neolithic times. 

The word "tattoo" was brought to Europe by the explorer James Cook, when he returned in 1771 from his first voyage to Tahiti & New Zeland. In his narrative of the voyage he refers to a technique called "tattaw". 

Before this it had been described as sccarring, painting or staining.
Tattooing has been practised for centuries in many cultures, mainly in Asia and spread thoughout the world.

Some tribal cultures traditionally created tattoos by cutting designs into the skin and filling the resulting wound with ink. Some of them continue this practice even today. Some others use sharpened sticks or animal bones  or teeth (e.g. shark 's teeth) in order to put the ink into the skin.

Today the most common method of tattooing is the electric tattoo machine, which inserts ink into the skin via a single needle or a group of needles.

Early tattoo inks were obtained directly from nature. For example in ancient Hawaii kukui nut ash was blended with coconut oil to produse an ebony ink! Today an almost unlimited number of colors and shades of tattoo ink are mass-prodused and sold to parlors worldwide. 

Either way they are marvelous and special for each one. Some people deside to have a tattoo that means something about them. It's like they scar a hiden secret on their body! Some others have a tattoo just to have one (or more).

I'll come back on this subject as soon as i have my next tattoo!!! 

Παρασκευή 14 Ιουνίου 2013

Moments!!! Moments of serenity... Of joy... Of emptiness...

We need all of them. We need emptiness too. Even if it sounds strange. Emptiness is the best situation in which we cannot feel trapped, instead we feel relieved!

How would it be if one day everything around you looked simple and common, had no interest and was unvalliable?

Then you would start thinking about your life. How it is today? What you' ve been through to reach here? How would it be if things were different? What you wish for... Your past... Your future... Moments and wishes coming from the deepest part of your souls. A great and necessary cleanup.

~ Breath deep & let go of things!

~ Happines often sneaks in a door you didn't think was open!

~ Keep calm & carry on!

~ If you don't like your life, start make better choices and replan her!

~ Life is short there is no time for important words left unsaid!

~ Start seeing life optimistically!

~ Be passionated! Be lovers! Be dreamers! Be spontaneous!

Τετάρτη 5 Ιουνίου 2013

Let's sail to the direction of our dreams...

I read somewhere today that "The onliest place where dreams come true is in our fantasy". It made me feel sorrow. Young, healty, strong people are not "allowed" to say such things. Personally I believe that we all have a purpose in our lives, a destiny on this planet. Why did we came for if not for our dreams & what do we fight for if not for our lives as we want them? What's the meaning of living our miserrable lives happily ever after? 

Excuse me but no! The secret is to have a vision! Be dreamers! Say to ourselves that we are going to change the world! We are not going to make it but we'll do our best! Imagine everyone doing his best on it! How great would that be? 

"You may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one... I hope some day you join us... And the world will be beautiful!!!'' ~ John Lennon "Imagine"

And this is the point of this inspiring song and lovely melody! It's all about the MENTAL STRENGTH we carry inside us. Let's try to not "waste" it on pointless things and situations.Let's try to use it well in order to make our dreams come true!!! I'm sure all of them are unique & magnificent and deserve a bit work of ours!!!

Day 4 
Lesson 3

" There's nothing you can do that can't be done...
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung...
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game, it's easy...

There's nothing you can make that can't be made...
No one you can save that can't be saved...
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you, it's easy...

All you need is love!!! "

It's true! If you give love you'll take it back for sure! "What you sow you reap" as a greek saying says! I used to think that love is hard to find. Then I realized that I was wrong. As long as you have family, friends and realatives you know love exists. It's all around you... It's there you can feel... You are part of that love... You are blessed with so much love, in order to be capable to give love to others yourself! It's amazing...

 In order to realize how strong feeling love is watch videos about soldiers who came back home alive and their close's reaction and surprise!  Watch a young couple dancing in the rain! Watch a new dad hearing his baby daughter saying "dada" for the first time! Wathc an old couple holding hands, a man saving a dog from fire, a little boy watering his flower, a cat taking care of her kittens!

 It's all around us... We need to feel it... It's apitty for us to ignore all amazing things happening around us... It's not that hard... We just have to stop and hear our hards! What are they trying to tell us? What do they want? What do they need? What do they deserve? Every heart deserves to be loved and love... That's the "healthiest" way to keep beating!!!

Δευτέρα 3 Ιουνίου 2013

That's a big hard truth!!!

""I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be, if you'll be my babe..."

Just like the song says... Savage Garden for tonight... From Athens with love... As we watch the nightsky... As the stars shine and the moon is up there... Divine and magestic...
Day 2
Lesson 2

Since we were little kids, we wanted to fly! I' ll tell you about me... I was always dreaming that I could fly between the clouds, next to the moon and the stars... I wanted to visit every country of this world with my wings and watch their people... How they live, what they wear, what are their customs, how do their homes and their temples look like, what is like to live in their land, how they speak, how they cook. I needed to learn everything. What else coulds those wings be usefull for?
Today, even if I grew up a bit... I still have those dreams... Although I know I can't fly and I don't try anymore to find a magical way to get wings... I still need to get away and discover other coultures and lands!!!
We need to dream big... First of all we ought it to ourselves... So let's unlock ourselves and let those dreamer kids get out... Change our lives forever...

Κυριακή 2 Ιουνίου 2013

Day 1
Lesson 1

"Dream on, dream on, dream on, dream untill your dreams come true..." ~ Aerosmith

What is the secret for us to wake up every morning with a big smile? What is the secret of optimism? Well, I believe that for each one of us the real secret is himself! We need to face life as our onliest opportunity to make something for ourselves, to change something in this world, to love someone, to overcome our minor every-day-life problems and look deep in our hearts to find our true selves. So let's go chase our dreams... No matter how "far" they may are...No matter how much hard work it might take...We need to be focused on our goals. Our dreams will give us the strength to step to them and that big smile we were talking about!!!