Τετάρτη 5 Ιουνίου 2013

Let's sail to the direction of our dreams...

I read somewhere today that "The onliest place where dreams come true is in our fantasy". It made me feel sorrow. Young, healty, strong people are not "allowed" to say such things. Personally I believe that we all have a purpose in our lives, a destiny on this planet. Why did we came for if not for our dreams & what do we fight for if not for our lives as we want them? What's the meaning of living our miserrable lives happily ever after? 

Excuse me but no! The secret is to have a vision! Be dreamers! Say to ourselves that we are going to change the world! We are not going to make it but we'll do our best! Imagine everyone doing his best on it! How great would that be? 

"You may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one... I hope some day you join us... And the world will be beautiful!!!'' ~ John Lennon "Imagine"

And this is the point of this inspiring song and lovely melody! It's all about the MENTAL STRENGTH we carry inside us. Let's try to not "waste" it on pointless things and situations.Let's try to use it well in order to make our dreams come true!!! I'm sure all of them are unique & magnificent and deserve a bit work of ours!!!

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